- Fisherflok, Nations and Borders in South Asia - Charu Gupta , Mukul Sharma
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Coastal Fisherfolk and National Anxieties in South Asia
The untouchable presents Noborders, Dannish books
A detailed article on life of Mushars and their struggle for betterment of the community from the field of SSVK and LSS. The article presents module for change in life of dalit by their own leadership. The article narratively present the daily life of Mushar their problem and initiative for change.
An article by eminent writer Mr. Mukul Sharma
The Untouchable present Asserting voices-Deshkal Publication 2002
Everyday Life of the Mushar in North Bihar: Namaskar Bhaiji – these are the words of greeting one hears in all Mushar villages and tolas from people of all age group. They do not fold their hands. They do not bend their body. They do not call or address anyone as Huzoor, Sahib, Sir or anything like this. This new found word is heard repeatedly all over the region in village after village and haunts the heart.
An exclusive article by famous social writer Mr. Mukul Sharma appeared in the book Asserting voices marking the change in life of most rung strata of the society.
Whose Ponds ? Who commands ?
The Life of Musahars in North Bihar J John & Mukul Sharma Cover Story on Musahar struggles by ssvk and Lss ,Labour File, May-June 1998
Mushars too opt for the easiest route – migration to agricultural fields of western India and they send their children for work. But more than that they are creating alternate structures and institutions keeping alive the hope for a better tomorrow. Whose tomorrow? Centre’s or periphery?
The issue of Labour file May-June 1998 (English) and July – September (1998) was dedicated to change taking place in life of Mushars through SSVK and its peoples organization Lok Shakti Sangathan.
The Beautiful Women First City July 2005
1000 women for the Nobel Peace Prize has been lobbying for a collective prize in 2003. The project wishes to recognize women worldwide, from all walks of life – the woman farmer, teacher, artist or politician – who devoted themselves to a future free of violence.
First City exclusive look at 16 of the women chosen from India.
The feature covered two nominated women leader from SSVK Mrs. Tiliya Devi and Mrs. America Devi for Nobel Peace Prize 2003
New Dynamics of agriculture workers’ struggle
Economic and Political Weekly, May 14, 1994
The article covers the story of struggle for Minimum wages in SSVK target area. Article spell out that the agriculture workers in Madhepur block of Madhubani district of Bihar are successfully organizing them to demand minimum wages from landowners. The article quotes how the people of a remote village Hasuali organized themselves for demanding minimum wages to their landowners and got it.
EPW Special Articles December 4, 1999
Everyday Life of Musahars in North Bihar
How Mushars got the better of Massey
Civil Society - January 2005
When Massey Ferguson tractors were fist potted in north Bihar last year, the Mushars thought they were sunk. Fully mechanized, the tractors could dig, fill and level earth. They could even load and unload big quantities of mud. The Mushars repaired miles of river embankments, every year. They survived on that income. Now the tractors would take over.
But they decided to fight. Backed by Lok Shakti Sangathan (LSS) a people’s organization, the Mushars launched a sprited agitation, roping in small farmers and contractors.
The article appeared in Civil Society during Dignity Day in Delhi by grassroot groups |
Snatching food from a tiger’s mouth Landscapes and Lives, Oxford
A region with a rich history of ponds, tanks, and other ways of water harvesting witnessed a cry for justice from dalits who wanted these water bodies to be restored to them. The Mallahs-Mushars and their organizations were not only willing to revive the ponds and stream, but also wanted to take possession of them.
An article by eminent writer Mr. Mukul Sharma appeared in his book Landscapes and Lives published by Oxford publication in year 2001.
SSVK Work praised & Covered
The Times of India on Front page.
Rajasthan Tractors ‘Run over’ Bihar labourers Hindustan Times, 15
April, 2005
A LSS/SSVK Movement for livelihood Covered by The Hindustan Times. |
2007 |
A struggle for fishing rights Frontline- July 16, 1999
The poor fisher folk of northern Bihar were long denied fishing rights in their own water bodies by people from the forward castes and others. Now the battle has been opened
An article appeared in frontlined cover the full story of struggle for fishing rights under the banner of Lok Shakti Sangathan by Mallah community. This article covers the full story of struggle from the start of the movement to possession of pond by fishing.
Tiliya's Crusade
Tiliya Devi, 40, from the Musahaar community, who is the first elected Dalit panch in the Yadav-dominated Kheri in Madhubani district of north Bihar.
The elections in 2001 took place after a gap of 22 years. Tiliya was married off at age 15, had six children in six years and supported her family by selling vegetables. Grinding poverty led her to join a self-help group in her village, which antagonised her husband. "He threw me out of the house by calling a panchayat and kept the children with him. I spent that night sitting on the riverside." And ever since, there has been no looking back.
Returning to her parents at Jhanjharpur, she soon started fighting the land mafia to free a 156-acre panchayat land belonging to villagers at Khera. Along with 35 other women, she vehemently fought the mafia who not only beat them up, but even raped one of them. An FIR was lodged and the rapist was put behind the bars. Eventually, nine acres were retrieved where housing, fishing and paddy projects have been developed. Today, Tiliya is among 1,000 women in the world to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for 2005.
Taliya's success story apart, it may be said that of the 100,000 people who contested the 12001 elections, only 141 women were elected – 78 Mukhiya, 54 Pramukh and nine Adhayaksh. This shows that only a few women had access to politics without reservations. The ensuing panchayat elections will, however, change that. |
Fishing for prosperity
Water Voices
Interview with Deepak Bharti of SSVK, an NGO working in Bihar
"I requestedthatthe sanctioned relief material & other resources(block wise and district wise)be posted on disaster management web site. It would enable the NGOs located in concerned districts to directly check with the local government officials whether the relief has reached or not. It would curb duplicity and corruption in relief work & also streamline the relief work."
Samajik Shaikshnik Vikas Kendra (SSVK) is working to empower the most downtrodden and
marginalised people, especially women, in one of the India's poorest states, Bihar. Its founder Mr Deepak Bharti is a product of the great 1974 student movement, which engulfed major parts of the country, besides becoming one of the reasons for Ms Indira Gandhi to declare emergency.
No surprisingly, the follower of JP Narayan, Bharti is candid in his responses. He dissects Bihar floods with rare insight & practical wisdom. He notes embankment construction is the biggest cause of floods. Yet, they continue, reflecting the politician contractor nexus.
He has a fearless view on every issue- bureaucratic inertia, political stunts, and delays in deploying the helicopters.
SSVK started a ngos/peoples organisation network in 1994 call Faderation of Voluntary Agencies (FOVA) covered by media. |
A story on Musahars life style of north Bihar . |
SSVK/LSS Anaj Bank (Grain Bank) and Gram Kosh movement covered by Out Look Hindi Magazine. This movement challenges SHG working style. Its spreads over 1709 villages of North Bihar. |
Tiliya Ka Tilism Outlook, 11 Aprail 2005
Men of the village say that they feel relax when they migrate for the livelihood because Tiliya is in the village. A story on life of Tiliya from her village by eminent journalist Mr. Binodh Bandhu. |
Tiraskar Ke Bad Samman Outlook, 18 July 2005
An article on recognition of work of women leader of LSS and SSVK Mrs. Tiliya Devi and America Devi appeared in Outlook. As state in the headline of the article this article explain how both women were dishonored from her family and society and when she succeeded got the recognition not only in family and society but also nationally and internationally. |
Nobel Ki Dahlij par Amerika aur Tiliya Rashtriya Prasang July 2005
Cover Story
Dalit women recognized. On initiative of Swiss government, UNIFEM and UNDP 1000 women selected from 150 countries who struggled for the rights. 158 women from South Asia, 91 from India and 2 from Bihar selected. Know how they struggled for their rights and helped community ensuring tenure rights.
The feature covered two nominated women leader from SSVK Mrs. Tiliya Devi and Mrs. America Devi for Nobel Peace Prize 2003 |
Madhubani Ki do Atm Kathayen Harijan Se Dalit, Vani Prakashan 1994
Bibliography of two dalit leaders form Madhubani. This article explains the existing condition of the area and process of change initiative by them and support of SSVK. The story appeared in Harijan Se Dalit book by eminent Dalit writer of India Sri Rajkishor.
Jeet Lenge Andhere Ko Books for change,
Jeet Lenge Andhere Ko edited by eminent writer and editor Manimala for Books for change. The book consist the bibliography of women leader across the country. Two women leaders of LSS and SSVK out of 12 women community leader from different parts of India were selected.