Links & Resources
- Bharat Online : – http://www.bharatonline.com/bihar/index.html Comprehensive guide for tourists covering every aspect related to India
- Human Rights Watch – www.hrw.org Leading international NGO dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the globe. Have done a great deal of excellent human rights work on the situation of Dalits in South Asia.
- Social Watch India - http://www.socialwatchindia.net/ Social Watch India is a New Delhi-based is a broad based network of civil society organizations, citizens and communities to build a process of monitoring governance towards professed goals of social development, particularly with respect to the marginalized sections of our country. Its focus is to monitor the functioning and efficiency of the key institutions of governance and their commitment towards citizens and principles of democracy.
- Navsarjan - http://www.navsarjan.org/home.asp NGO based in Gujarat which has run successful state-level campaigns on the issues of Banning Manual Scavenging & Rehabilitating Scavengers, Drinking Water for Dalits, Implementation of Land Reforms, Implementation of Minimum Wage for Farm Workers, and Implementation of the Atrocity Act.
- Dalit NGO Federation (DNF) of Nepal – http://www.dnfnepal.org/ Established in 1996, DNF is an umbrella organization of all Dalit NGOs in Nepal. It is a national forum for raising the collective voices of the Dalit community to ensure their rights, dignity and opportunity through policy influencing, networking and alliance building.
- Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace (ACJP) - http://www.ambedkar.net/default.aspx The ACJP is a United States-based global volunteer charity organization with its global headquarters at Tunkhannock, Pennslyvania, USA. Their aim aim is to follow the path of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in working to liberate Dalits through social work and human rights education so that they can lead their lives with dignity and develop into citizens who can make maj
- Dalit Freedom SAKSHI Human Rights Watch - http://www.sakshiap.org/ NGO based in Andhra Pradesh doing excellent work on Dalit Human Rights
- Network (DFN) – http://www.dalitnetwork.org/ United States (Colorado) based NGO, founded in 2003, with a presence throughout India, working mainly at the village level (especially on children’s education) and maintaining close ties with the All India Christian Council.
- blind people`s welfare association - http://www.charity4blind.webs.com/
- Association of Rural People of Andaman & Nicobar Islands – http://www.arpan.cfsites.org An NGO working in the rural areas of Andaman & Nicobar Islands
- Volunteering in Nepal for women and children development- http://www.volunteeringnepal.org/index.php - work for orphanage, buddhist monastery, agroforestry."VIN's mission is to empower marginalized communities, with a focus on women and children, through enhanced educational programs and community training to promote equality, economic wellbeing and basic human rights."
- Karmayog- http://www.karmayog.org/
In a democracy like India's, sustainable solutions to society's problems can only be found though the collaboration and involvement of all stakeholders. Karmayog, established in 2004, is a unique organisation that connects citizens, civil society groups, corporates, academicians, media and government through online and offline methods.
- NGO Fundraising in India – http://www.fundraisingindia.org/
Covering Non-Profit/NGO fundraising in the Indian sub-continent
- IndianNGOs.com - Capacity building and advocacy of NGOs
- NGOidentity.com - Brand building and advocacy of NGOs
- indiavillageportal.org -Sharing the social and developmental canvas of India through her 593 732 villages and multiple stakeholder programmes and interventions
- indiadonationportal.org - Promoting retail donation opportunities of NGOs across India
- indiavolunteerportal.org - Promoting volunteering opportunities of NGOs across India
- CSRidentity.com - Learning, research and brand building of CSR for corporates and brands
- Water Voices - http://www.indiawaterportal.org/Network/interview/
- Disaster - http://www.ndmindia.nic.in/Mitigation/mitigationhome.html
- Audio Interview of SSVK Founder Mr. Deepak Bharti on Indian Ngos.com : http://www.indiavillageportal.org/patna/view.asp
- SSVK Nws & Tpical Programmes Volunteering Donation about the Ngo CEO and Board Governance Brochure : http://www.indianngos.com/ssvk/index.asp
- SSVK Core team member Mr.Ram Prakash Mukhia,s Interview on community volunteering :
- IndianNGOs.com
- URL -- http://www.indiaspinabifidaassociation.org/
Indian Spina Bifida Association
- Centre for Media and Alternative Communication : http://cmaconline.org/
CMAC works in the field of art, design and culture. Its role has been to create an interface between artists from different genres, to facilitate and to provide a platform for production, cultural exchange of art and ideas, and dialogue in the visual and performing arts
- Title: NJIFFY Education and welfare society For Tribals, Software
Description: NJIFFY Education and welfare society For Tribals
URL: http://www.njiffy.com
- Title : Watch TV Shows
URL : http://www.spreety.com
Desc : Watch TV shows online free, including sports TV, news TV, and movies online. Spreety TV online is your free guide of online TV.
- Video Link (You Tube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VitWOpx4Wco
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E-mail (S):
- ssvkindia @ gmail.com
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